

Original price was: € 6,466.35.Current price is: € 4,702.80.

We will send a vast amount of customers to you for 2-3 weeks. These are customers that your business would not have had in the first place. They are quality leads which will help your business grow. We offer the greatest return on investment (ROI) in the industry because we specialise in this area of medical/cosmetic marketing.

Businesses see this package as extra income on top of their own business income.

We believe in quality rather than quantity so please allow 30 days for the launch as we require time in order to build your content effectively.



For new customer or new services only. Content building, video and photography shoot with leads generation on 1 particular service. This package is made for businesses looking to bring more customer through their door.

For refund policy, please refer to our terms and conditions.